Understanding Docker Stop vs Docker Kill

Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

A common task for developers working with Docker is stopping containers. There are two primary commands for this: docker stop and docker kill. Understanding the difference between these commands is crucial for efficient container management.

What is docker stop?

The docker stop command is the standard way to gracefully stop a running container. When this command is executed, Docker sends a SIGTERM signal to the container’s main process, allowing it to terminate gracefully. This is the signal that asks the process to shut down itself neatly, saving its state, completing current tasks, and releasing resources.

How docker stop Works

  • Graceful Shutdown: The SIGTERM signal gives the container’s processes the chance to finish their work and exit naturally.
  • Timeout Mechanism: If the container doesn’t shut down within a certain timeframe (default is 10 seconds), Docker resorts to a forceful shutdown.

When to Use docker kill

While docker stop is ideal for most situations, there are times when a container becomes unresponsive. In such scenarios, docker kill comes into play. This command sends a SIGKILL signal to the container’s main process, immediately terminating it without waiting for a graceful shutdown.

The Immediate Shutdown of docker kill

  • Forceful Termination: The SIGKILL signal does not give the container any chance to clean up or save its state.
  • Use Case: docker kill is suitable when a container is unresponsive and you need to stop it right away.

Best Practices

  1. Prefer docker stop: Always start with docker stop to allow your containers to shut down gracefully.
  2. Use docker kill Sparingly: Reserve docker kill for situations where a container is stuck or unresponsive.
  3. Understand the Fallback: Remember that docker stop will automatically resort to docker kill if the container doesn’t stop within the timeout period.


Understanding the difference between docker stop and docker kill is essential for managing Docker containers effectively. Always prefer docker stop for a graceful shutdown and resort to docker kill only when necessary. This approach ensures your applications and services are managed safely and efficiently.
