Tagging Docker Images Explained

Every Docker image has a unique ID, working with these IDs can be cumbersome. Image tagging makes working with Docker Images much more convenient by offering a more human-readable alternative to raw IDs.

What is Docker Image Tagging?

Tagging in Docker is akin to labeling. When you build a Docker image, it’s assigned a unique ID. However, remembering and referring to these IDs can be impractical. Tags provide a way to assign meaningful names to these images, making them easier to identify and use.

Why Use Tags?

  • Readability: Tags are more readable and user-friendly compared to alphanumeric IDs.
  • Version Control: Tags help in maintaining different versions of the same image.
  • Convenience: Easier to refer to an image in commands and scripts.

Tagging During Build

You can tag an image during the build process using the -t flag:

docker build -t [USERNAME]/[REPOSITORY]:[TAG] .

Tagging After Build

If you already have an image and want to tag it, use the docker tag command:


The Conventional Naming Schema for Docker Image Tags

A typical Docker image tag follows this naming convention:

  • USERNAME: Your Docker Hub username or the namespace of the image.
  • REPOSITORY: The repository name for the image.
  • TAG: A tag to signify the version or variant of the image, like latest, v1.0, stable, etc.

For example:

docker build -t johndoe/myapp:latest .

In this example, johndoe is the username, myapp is the repository, and latest is the tag.

Best Practices for Tagging

  • Use Meaningful Tags: Tags should be descriptive and reflect the image version or state.
  • Maintain Consistency: Be consistent in your tagging schema across different images and versions.
  • Regular Updates: Update tags as you release new versions of your application.
