React Testing Library: The Power of within and getByRole

Photo by Lautaro Andreani on Unsplash

React Testing Library has gained significant popularity for its approach to testing React components. This library encourages good testing practices, pushing developers to test the components in a way that resembles how users would interact with them.

Two of the often-used functionalities are getByRole and within. Let’s explore why they are incredibly helpful and sometimes superior to other querying methods.

Why getByRole?

The getByRole query essentially mimics how screen readers identify elements, making your tests more aligned with real-world accessibility standards. But another less-talked-about advantage is that getByRole checks the semantics of the HTML element, not just the element itself.

Consider a simple example:

// App.js
import React from 'react';

const App = () => {
return <button>Click me</button>;
export default App;
// App.test.js
import React from 'react';
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import App from './App';

it("should render the button", () => {
const { getByText, getByRole } = render(<App />);

const buttonByText = getByText('Click me');
const buttonByRole = getByRole('button', { name: 'Click me' });


Here, getByText would find the button, but it doesn’t care if it’s a button, a link, or a div. On the other hand, getByRole checks both the element and its role, providing a stricter and more meaningful test.

The within Function

In larger components, you may have multiple nested elements and want to perform queries within a specific element. Here, within comes into play.

Consider a component with multiple sections:

// App.js
import React from 'react';

const App = () => (
<section data-testid="section-one">
<button>Button One</button>
<section data-testid="section-two">
<button>Button Two</button>


export default App;

If you want to select a button but only within a specific section, you can do:

// App.test.js
import React from 'react';
import { render, within } from '@testing-library/react';
import App from './App';

it("should find Button One within section one", () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(<App />);

const sectionOne = getByTestId('section-one');

const buttonOne = within(sectionOne).getByText('Button One');


By using within, you can isolate the scope to section-one and then query within that scope.


getByRole and within provide not only a way to locate elements but also a methodology that encourages better testing practices. Use getByRole for stricter, more meaningful queries, and utilize within to narrow down the scope of your tests, making them more maintainable and robust.
