Master Debugging in React Testing Library with the debugger function

Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash

Debugging tests can be a tricky endeavor. When you’re dealing with front-end frameworks like React, the debugging process can become even more convoluted. This is where testing libraries like React Testing Library offer incredible value, as they come with built-in debugging capabilities. One of the most straightforward yet powerful features is the debugger.

Understanding the debugger Function in React Testing Library

When writing tests in React Testing Library, you may come across scenarios where your test case is failing, and it’s not immediately clear why. Here, the debugger keyword can be your best friend.

import React from 'react';
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import App from './App';

it("should debug the component", () => {
const { getByRole, debug } = render(<App />);

debug(); // Outputs DOM as a string in console
const button = getByRole('button', { name: 'Click Me' });
debugger; // Execution stops here

In this example, we first use the debug() function from React Testing Library to log the entire DOM as a string. This can be helpful for quickly scanning through your component’s output.

Then, we use JavaScript’s native debugger; statement right after fetching a button by its role. When the test runner hits this line, it will pause the execution.

How to Use the debugger

To utilize this, make sure you have your browser’s Developer Tools open. You can press Escape to open up the console.

Here, you can access all the variables in scope at the point where the execution was paused. For example, you can type button into the console and hit Enter to inspect the button element.

Benefits of Using debugger

  1. Real-Time Inspection: You can interact with variables in real-time and even change their values to see potential effects.
  2. Focused Debugging: Sometimes, console logs just aren’t enough. Stopping the execution allows you to dive deep into that exact moment in time.
  3. Integration with Existing Tools: Since debugger is a native JavaScript feature, it integrates well with browser tools and does not require additional libraries.


Debugging in React Testing Library does not have to be a chore. Using the debugger, you can inspect the current state, evaluate variables, and get a better understanding of what your code is doing at any given moment. It allows you to fix issues quickly and get on with writing more robust tests.
