Kubernetes core concepts for beginners

Working with Kubernetes has become a key kill in software development in recent years. Kubernetes is a system designed to take the complexity out of deploying, managing, and scaling applications. This summary will distill some of the core concepts of Kubernetes to help you understand its ecosystem.

Core Components

  • Nodes: These are the workhorses of Kubernetes. Whether physical machines or virtual machines (VMs), nodes are responsible for running the containers. Each node is managed by the master and can run a diverse set of containers, depending on the workloads assigned to them.
  • Master: Consider the master as the brain of the Kubernetes cluster. It’s a machine or VM equipped with a set of specialized programs to manage the nodes. The master makes decisions about where containers should run, monitors the state of the nodes, and takes action to maintain the desired state of the cluster.

Image Management

Kubernetes itself doesn’t build container images; instead, it retrieves them from a registry. This means that when you’re working with Kubernetes, you’re deploying containers from images that were built and stored elsewhere, such as Docker Hub or your private container registry.

Deployment and Desired State

When you deploy an application to Kubernetes, you’re essentially updating the desired state of the cluster with a configuration file. This file describes what you want your application to look like, including the number of instances, network settings, and storage requirements.

Self-Healing Mechanism

One of the most powerful features of Kubernetes is its self-healing mechanism. The master is continuously working to match the actual state of the cluster with the desired state you’ve defined. If a node goes down or a container fails, the master takes corrective action to reschedule the containers and maintain service availability.


Kubernetes abstracts the complexity of managing a fleet of containers, making it easier to deploy applications at scale. By handling the orchestration of containers across multiple hosts, Kubernetes enables you to manage containerized applications in a more efficient and reliable way. With its ability to maintain the desired state and self-heal, Kubernetes ensures that your applications are as resilient as the business demands.
