How to optimize your MongoDB using indexes

Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

Indexes are a crucial part of any database system, serving as the backbone for efficient data retreival. Understanding how to effectively use indexes can make a significant difference in your application’s performance. In this article, we’ll discuss what MongoDB indexes are, why they are important, and how to use them effectively.

What Are Indexes?

Indexes in MongoDB are data structures that improve the speed of data retrieval operations at the cost of additional storage and decreased performance on writes.

Why Use Indexes?

Without indexes, MongoDB has to scan every document in a collection to find the documents that satisfy a query condition — known as a collection scan. Indexes, on the other hand, allow MongoDB to limit its search to fewer documents, improving query performance.

Types of Indexes

MongoDB supports various types of indexes, including:

  • Single-Field: An index on a single field of the documents.
  • Compound: An index on multiple fields.
  • Multi-Key (Array): An index on fields that contain an array.
  • Text: An index for text search.


While indexes can be used to speed up both queries and sorting operations, they consume disk space and can slow down write operations.

Compound Indexes and Prefix

When using compound indexes, MongoDB can use the index for queries that match the prefix of the compound index. For example, if you have a compound index on "name-age", MongoDB can still use it for queries that only involve the name.

Query Diagnosis & Planning with explain()

MongoDB provides the explain() method, which shows details about how a query would be executed, helping you optimize both your queries and indexes.

db.collection('students').find({ age: { $gt: 21 } }).explain("executionStats");

Index Options

  • TTL Indexes: Time-to-Live indexes, used to automatically remove documents after a certain time.
  • Unique Indexes: Enforce the uniqueness of the indexed field.
  • Partial Indexes: Indexes that only include documents that meet a certain filter criteria.
  • Text Indexes: Additional options like weights and a default language can be specified.

Example: Creating a Unique Index

db.collection('students').createIndex({ email: 1 }, { unique: true });


Indexes are a key feature in MongoDB, aiding in the efficient retrieval of data. While they come at the cost of disk space and potentially slower writes, the benefits in read operation performance can be significant. Whether you’re dealing with single-field or compound indexes, understanding how to diagnose and plan your queries with tools like explain() will allow you to optimize your database’s performance effectively.
