Showing 77 result(s)

ES6 `.reduce` helper explained

Photo by Joshua Aragon on Unsplash One of the most powerful but often misunderstood array helpers in JavaScript is the .reduce method. Its primary function is to take an array and reduce it down to a single …

How Node.js Works Under the Hood: A Deep Dive

Image from Stephen Grider’s Advanced Nodejs course. Node.js has become one of the most popular environments for building web applications, APIs, and more. However, to fully utilize its power, it’s crucial to understand what happens under …

The JavascripEvent Loop

The javascript event loop, image credits Node.js has earned its fame in part because of its ability to handle concurrent operations without the complexities of multi-threading. The secret weapon behind Node.js’s prowess in this area is …

Why you should be using Typescript

TypeScript can be thought of as a helpful companion that watches your back as you code, providing valuable insights that can catch errors, enforce best practices, and improve code maintainability. In this article, we’ll explore …