Bundle Splitting in Webpack: Optimizing for Performance

In web development, optimizing the loading time of your application is crucial for user experience. Webpack’s bundle splitting feature is a powerful tool that improves caching and reduces the amount of code users need to re-download when updates are made. This article explains the concept of bundle splitting and how to configure it in Webpack.

What is Bundle Splitting?

Bundle splitting is a technique where the codebase is divided into multiple bundles or chunks, which can be loaded independently. This allows for separation of third-party library code (vendor code) from the application code (our code). Since vendor libraries like react or lodash do not change as frequently as the application code, users do not need to re-download these libraries each time an update to the application is made.

Why Bundle Splitting?

The main advantages of bundle splitting are:

  1. Improved Caching: Browsers can cache vendor libraries separately, so when application code is updated, only the application bundle is re-downloaded, not the entire bundle.
  2. Faster Load Times: By splitting bundles, initial load time can be reduced since smaller chunks can be loaded in parallel.
  3. Bandwidth Efficiency: Users save on bandwidth because they avoid downloading unchanged code.

Configuring Webpack for Bundle Splitting

In the example below, the Webpack configuration specifies two entry points: one for the application code (bundle) and another for vendor libraries (vendor). This instructs Webpack to create separate output files for each.

const VENDOR_LIBS = [
'react', 'lodash', 'redux', 'react-redux', 'react-dom',
'faker', 'react-input-range', 'redux-form', 'redux-thunk'

module.exports = {
entry: {
bundle: './src/index.js',
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: '[name].js'
// ...additional config...

Ensuring Efficient Packaging

The CommonsChunkPlugin, as shown in the second screenshot, is a Webpack plugin used to ensure that Webpack does not include vendor libraries in the application bundle.

plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'vendor'

This plugin identifies the vendor entry and ensures that any modules that are part of VENDOR_LIBS are included only in the vendor.js bundle and not in the bundle.js.


Bundle splitting is a key optimization technique in Webpack that enhances the end-user’s experience by improving the load times and leveraging browser caching more effectively. By understanding and implementing bundle splitting, developers can significantly improve the performance of their applications without compromising the development experience.
