Why you should be using Typescript

TypeScript can be thought of as a helpful companion that watches your back as you code, providing valuable insights that can catch errors, enforce best practices, and improve code maintainability. In this article, we’ll explore the goals of TypeScript as a type system and delve into how it benefits development.

TypeScript: What Is It?

TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles down to plain JavaScript. The TypeScript compiler (often abbreviated as tsc) adds a layer of static type checking to your JavaScript code, providing instant feedback on type errors.

How Does TypeScript Affect Code Execution?

It’s crucial to understand that TypeScript has zero impact on how code gets executed by the browser or Node.js. Once TypeScript code is compiled, it becomes standard JavaScript, devoid of any type annotations. Thus, TypeScript doesn’t provide any performance optimization at runtime.

The TypeScript Type System: Goals and Benefits

Catching Errors During Development

One of the primary purposes of TypeScript is to catch errors early in the development process. With a well-defined type system, many common errors like undefined variables, incorrect property access, and function misuses can be flagged before running the code.

Using Type Annotations for Code Analysis

TypeScript employs type annotations to analyze your code. You can specify types for variables, function parameters, and return values to inform TypeScript about the expected behavior of your code. This allows the compiler to check for type mismatches and warn you about potential issues.

Active Only During Development

It’s essential to remember that TypeScript’s type system is only active during development. Once you compile your TypeScript files into JavaScript, all type information is erased, and you’re left with pure JavaScript code.

TypeScript as a Coding Companion

The best way to view TypeScript is like a friend sitting behind you as you code — reviewing your code, pointing out errors, and helping you understand the contracts within your codebase better. This guidance becomes invaluable as applications scale, making it easier for developers, both new and old, to understand the code.


TypeScript is more than just “extra documentation” for your JavaScript code. It’s a powerful type system that aims to improve the development experience by catching errors early, enabling easier code navigation, and enforcing code quality. While it doesn’t impact runtime performance, the benefits it offers during development can significantly speed up the development process and result in more robust, maintainable code.
