Understanding this in JavaScript: The Role of Context

Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

In JavaScript, the value of this is determined by the context in which a function is called. It’s one of the core concepts that often confuses developers due to its dynamic nature. Unlike other languages, in JavaScript, this does not refer to the function itself, nor does it refer to the function’s lexical scope. Let’s take a closer look with an example to illustrate the concept:

const colours = {
list: ["red", "green", "blue"],

printColour(index) {

colours.printColour(0); // 'red'

In the code above, this within printColour refers to the colours object because printColour is called as a method of colours.

The Problem with this in Callbacks

However, if we destructure the printColour method from the object:

const { printColour } = colours;
printColour(0); // This will not work as intended because `this` is not the `colours` object

this becomes undefined because the method is no longer called as a property of the colours object.

Binding this with Arrow Functions

One way to avoid the issues with this is by using arrow functions which do not have their own this. Instead, they inherit this from the parent scope at the time they are defined:

const colours = {
list: ["red", "green", "blue"],

printColour: (index) => {

const { printColour } = colours;
printColour(0); // This will not work as intended because `this` is not the `colours` object

It’s worth noting that arrow functions are not a direct drop-in replacement for function expressions when it comes to object methods. The code above won’t work because if printColour is an arrow function defined in the global scope, this refers to the global object (or undefined in strict mode), not the colours object.

Correctly Binding Functions

Instead, you can explicitly bind this:

const colours = {
list: ["red", "green", "blue"],

printColour: function(index) {

const printColourBound = colours.printColour.bind(colours);

printColourBound(0); // 'red'

By using bind, you can ensure this within printColour refers to the colours object.

Arrow Functions for Stable this

When using arrow functions in class properties or modules where this should always refer to the class or module instance, you bypass the pitfalls associated with dynamic this binding:

class ColourPrinter {

constructor() {
this.list = ["red", "green", "blue"];

printColour = (index) => {

const cp = new ColourPrinter();

const { printColour } = cp;

printColour(0); // 'red'

In the snippet above, printColour is an arrow function that retains the this value of the instance cp, even when destructured.

Performance Considerations

While there is a small performance hit due to the additional scope created by an arrow function, the benefits of having a stable this context outweigh the cost in most cases. It leads to more predictable behavior of this, making the codebase easier to understand and maintain.


The choice between function expressions and arrow functions should be informed by the intended behavior of this. Arrow functions are incredibly useful when you want to maintain the context of this across different scopes, while traditional functions are better suited for methods on objects or for those cases where you might need to rebind this. Remember, understanding the nuances of this is key to mastering JavaScript functions.
