Creating your first Dockerfile

Image credit: Stephen Grider

A Dockerfile is a blueprint for building Docker images. It’s a script composed of various commands and instructions used by Docker to automatically build a custom image.

Key Features

  • Automated Image Creation: Dockerfiles automate the process of image creation, making it reproducible and consistent.
  • Version Control Friendly: Being a text file, Dockerfiles can be version controlled, enhancing collaboration and track changes.

Creating a Basic Dockerfile

Let’s dive into creating a simple Dockerfile. We’ll create a Dockerfile for a basic Node.js application. The Docker file resides in the root directory of your project.

Step 1: Choose a Base Image

Every Dockerfile starts with a base image. This is the foundation of your Docker image and typically includes the operating system and some essential tools.

FROM node:14

Here, we’re using the official Node.js image with Node version 14 as our base.

Step 2: Set Working Directory

Setting a working directory helps in structuring your Docker image and is where your application code resides inside the container.


Step 3: Copy Application Files

Now, we copy our application files into our Docker image.

COPY . /app

This command copies everything in the current directory to the /app directory in the image.

Step 4: Install Dependencies

For a Node.js application, we need to install dependencies defined in the package.json file.

RUN npm install

Step 5: Define the Command to Run the App

Finally, specify the command to run your application.

CMD ["node", "app.js"]

This command will start your Node.js application.

Building and Running Your Docker Image

With your Dockerfile created, you can now build the Docker image.

docker build -t my-node-app .

And run it:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 my-node-app


Creating a Dockerfile is a foundational skill for working with Docker. It allows you to define, in code, how your application and its environment should be built.
